My father died when I was six years old and was raised by a single mother. We never had any money but did not grow up in poverty either. Like my brother and sisters, I worked from an early age including washing dishes in junior high school, delivering newspapers, and cutting grass. For several years I worked on a factory floor assembly line while going to school.

In more recent years, I have been CEO or President of multiple companies. I have witnessed life from the bottom to the top of the ladder of life and have worked and enjoyed companionship with people from all walks of life including new immigrants and high profile investment bankers. My observations are reflected in the books I have written.

I share 25 lessons learned in my first book, Saving Investa, How an ex-factory worker helped save one of Australia’s iconic companies including:

  • Family is first
  • Don’t expect anyone to give you anything
  • You make your own luck
  • Players score points but teams win games
  • Never be satisfied with what you know.
  • Recognize change and get ahead of the curve

In my book, Think Like a Dog, How dogs teach us to be happy in life and successful at work, my dog Sadie and I translate canine behavior to desired human characteristics including:

  • Being Persistent
  • Living in the Moment
  • Avoiding Certain Dogs
  • Knowing when to bark
  • Being loyal
  • Leaving your mark

In my book, Education Without Debt, Giving back and paying it forward, my philosophy of giving back and helping those who follow and expecting all to pay it forward comes through. My MacDonald Scholarship programs have been implemented at six universities and about 100 students who could otherwise not afford college are receiving financial grants while participating in community service programs while in school.

The San Diego Union Tribune has written about me and my desire to help students receive an education on multiple occasions including more recently